An inside look at an experimental PTSD treatment
Researchers in Toronto are using electrodes to relieve a stress disorder by stimulating the circuitry of the brain. Here’s how it works.…/article-pacemaker-for-th…/
An inside look at an experimental PTSD treatment
Researchers in Toronto are using electrodes to relieve a stress disorder by stimulating the circuitry of the brain. Here’s how it works.…/article-pacemaker-for-th…/
Procedimientos Quirúrgicos S.A.S. es una empresa dedicada a prestar servicios de salud en las áreas de neurocirugía funcional, cirugía plástica, estética, maxilofacial y de la mano.
Calle 4 Sur # 43A-195 Interior 121
El Centro Ejecutivo
Poblado, Medellín, Colombia
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