….To address safety issues, medical experts are looking to the aviation industry, which serves as a model for designing programs to detect and reduce sources of life-threatening errors. Inspired by the black box that now travels in the tail of every commercial flight, in 2012 Dr. Teodor Grantcharov, professor of surgery at the University of Toronto, teamed with computer specialists to develop a black box for the operating room. He opened himself up to complete supervision by cameras placed throughout his OR; trained analysts log his team’s every movement before, during and after the surgery. The analysts and cameras record and monitor hand washes, the number of times the OR doors open, the details of how the surgeon and his team perform the procedure and more. The black box captures technical errors — if the surgeon suturing the patient fails to keep the needle in view on the display screens throughout the procedure, for example, or lapses in communication between the members of the team. Breaking down an operation in this way can isolate the sources of errors and help the surgical team to address them so that they don’t happen again..